miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

the last post

Hello everybody today I want to talk about the Music. The music is a way to express your feelings and fell relaxed; there are a lot of styles and many instruments to make music. The music is considered art, and it depends of the culture, location, age, education, and many others topics that make it different. Some people say that the music is the language of the soul, and is a way to communicate the incommunicable. Humans always are communicating and they have the need to communicate their feelings, and in the end it becomes part of the life. I choose this topic because I wanted to think in something different from the university stuff, I needed something to relaxed, and the music can achieve this in me. When I have twelve years hold, my father gave me my first acoustic guitar, a few years later, for my birthday my father gave me an electric guitar and I was so grateful and happy, I used to play the guitar so much, but when I grew up the first thing in my life wasn´t the guitar so I forgot many songs.
I think that the music could be part of the life in the human, and can be used for any purpose, like represent the values of some University, encourage someone team of soccer or simply to have fun and relax, anyway if you want express something you can do it with a song or simply with an melody.
Well this is my last post, I want give thanks for all work done in this course, and I think I can speak more English like before.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The experence of learn English


This essay is about my experience learning English in the faculty, this course was implemented in 2009 with the curricular innovation. Obstetrics and Physical therapy were the pioneers and then all careers have to implement the curricular innovation, the course of English try to use a not classic way for teach English, try to stimulate more the dialogue and try to be more practical. The methods use by the teacher for evaluation the progress was listening, oral interaction, exposed about topics, and doing handout.

I think learning English was a very good experience and very hard, because I had to learn more that my classmates that didn’t have English class and I was occupying more time.
I don’t know if this course changes the horary, but need more time for develop the homework’s and more time for keeping practice with a protected horary, I think the most important think of study English is practice, I can learn a lot of words and have a great vocabulary and pronunciation but if I not have time to practice I forget the vocabulary and lose the pronunciation. I think that have English in the curriculum is necessary and was great had this course, but I think that all curriculum innovation is just a lot of good intentions and not a good idea in the practice, my fundament is very clear, my fundament is based in the horary and the protected time for study, when somebody just lock the horary know this is wrong, the polls was doing whit wrong questions that not evaluate the real horary. I really want that my curriculum improve, and the unique solution for that is the participation of the student, I hope the directors of both carers doing this.

The key for grow in this idiom is be constant, and for achieve this we need more time for practice, practice and practice, whit more listening, more oral interactions, read more, etc. But if I have to say if this course was necessary of course is necessary, is a really key for the develop of the profession and with the English we can give a more better service, I am very great full for the opportunity of improve my English and I give thanks to my teacher