jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

YOUTH IS LIFE, the life of tomorrow

Hi, today I`m very happy because I can talk about a free topic, well I thought why not speak about us?, so I investigate about the youth and the results was very impressive, Socrates said the young are like plants, by the first fruits we can expect the future, he always was interested in the education of youth.
The way of us conduct in the present impact directly in us future. Youth it´s a stage of delusions, fun, expectation... but also inquietude. A stage of lights and shades and set the foundations on will lift us identity of tomorrow.
Youth is one of the most important stages in the life of man because, during this period, we trace the way forward in our lives. In youth we prepare specifically for overcome us problems, take whit decision the path, try to become happy.

Throughout history the role played by the youth was different. Each generation has behaved differently by the circumstances of the period, mentalities and even, why not, progress. These generational movements in many cases have been linked to cultural changes, actively questioning some values sustained by their parents' generation, generating conflicts between generations.
The fact that adolescent and youth are organized as a group is for the need to belong to a group and to be considered in the society. Concepts like first jobs, youth unemployment, youth crime, teenage pregnancy, birth control, sex education, are aspects of the specific problems of young people and must lead.

young people must find a balance for can be quiet in hard situations and can choose a correct decision.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Hello everybody, today I want to talk about education and prevention, I will start talking about the definition.

Measures for not only to prevent the onset of the disease, such as reducing risk factors, also to stop its progression and alleviate the consequences once established. (WHO, 1998).

The objective is interrupt progressive course of disease and
Preventing secondary cases.
this is important because is better prevent that regret, is more expensive and you need more time for heal after you have the illness. For prevent at individual level you can promote the use of the condom for the prevention of sexually disease, give nutritional education for prevent a lot of related disease, teach about the consequences about smoke cigarette, promote the exercise minimum three times a weeks, and avoid the stress.

In the family level you can give education for a healthy fellowship, and in the community level you can doing prevention about the atmospheric pollution.

As a midwife I can do a lot of curses of nutrition in the pregnancy, early stimulation, teach about mother lactancy, healthy style life, etc.

The job of the midwife include many options for the prevention and education, while more earlier the prevention better the relation between cost and benefits, also is necessary a responsible compromise of the government to achieve a good job.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

1. Why prevention is important

2. How to prevent at the individual, family and community level

3. What can midwives do to promote prevention

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

gener problems in my career?

Well hello everybody, today i want to show you the answer of the next questions, it´s very interesting for me, becouse i feel very identify:

What are the benefits for a man to be a midwife, what are the drawbacks?

Well i think that the benefits we have it`s the attention we have whit the women, becouse we don´t have the experence like a proces of delivery or a pregnancy, so we have more attention whit every symptom of the women. A probably disadvantaje maybe we have it´s the embarrased of as futures patient, but i think that surmount whit profesionalism.

Do you think gender issues also affect other health professionals?

Maybe other health professionals like urologist or gynecologist have gender issues for the same problem, the embarrased of the patient, but i think it´s not that big thill, because the profesionalism and the health of the patient it´s more important.

What do you think you can do to reduce gender problems in your career?

Promote my profesion it´s a good idea and try to give my best effort for the confort of my patient.

Do you know or think gender issues among health workers are similar in other countries?

Yes, i think it´s veri similar.

I want to show you this report about the men midwife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see the video it´s very interesting!!!


other report: http://www.google.cl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.espacioblog.com/myfiles/villarabid/Matron.jpg&imgrefurl=http://villarabid.espacioblog.com/post/2009/01/07/victor-manuel-rodriguez-perez-es-joven-a-sus-28&usg=__TZkhw87WKsN2m55JX-EH6CgdrxQ=&h=659&w=503&sz=123&hl=es&start=11&sig2=gEOQ_T2v2sGOVAF6UsdcGg&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=sKD4P19fZv1wPM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=105&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmatron%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des%26rlz%3D1R2TSHL_es%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=5SUHTLSUMoOclgfgu4mHDg