miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

gener problems in my career?

Well hello everybody, today i want to show you the answer of the next questions, it´s very interesting for me, becouse i feel very identify:

What are the benefits for a man to be a midwife, what are the drawbacks?

Well i think that the benefits we have it`s the attention we have whit the women, becouse we don´t have the experence like a proces of delivery or a pregnancy, so we have more attention whit every symptom of the women. A probably disadvantaje maybe we have it´s the embarrased of as futures patient, but i think that surmount whit profesionalism.

Do you think gender issues also affect other health professionals?

Maybe other health professionals like urologist or gynecologist have gender issues for the same problem, the embarrased of the patient, but i think it´s not that big thill, because the profesionalism and the health of the patient it´s more important.

What do you think you can do to reduce gender problems in your career?

Promote my profesion it´s a good idea and try to give my best effort for the confort of my patient.

Do you know or think gender issues among health workers are similar in other countries?

Yes, i think it´s veri similar.

I want to show you this report about the men midwife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see the video it´s very interesting!!!


other report: http://www.google.cl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.espacioblog.com/myfiles/villarabid/Matron.jpg&imgrefurl=http://villarabid.espacioblog.com/post/2009/01/07/victor-manuel-rodriguez-perez-es-joven-a-sus-28&usg=__TZkhw87WKsN2m55JX-EH6CgdrxQ=&h=659&w=503&sz=123&hl=es&start=11&sig2=gEOQ_T2v2sGOVAF6UsdcGg&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=sKD4P19fZv1wPM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=105&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmatron%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des%26rlz%3D1R2TSHL_es%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=5SUHTLSUMoOclgfgu4mHDg

6 comentarios:

  1. Hello Mati!!
    Keep it up! if you vocation, you will be an excellent professional!!
    the society is changing!!

  2. Matias I believe that you have vocation for this career and you will be an exellent midwife!!!
    bye Mr. Sjogren!!! ajajaja

  3. Hello Matias:
    always the pronoun "I" is writen with capital letter.
    ¿thill? I believe that wanted writing "thing"
    Your link is very interesting!!!

  4. hi mati!
    as suggestion I think that you must write only a paragraph, is best to answer all questions.
    and you must change some word as: becouse for because, and veri for very....
    see you in class!!!!

  5. Hi Matías, el matrooon!!! I think it would sound better if you say “we pay more attention to every woman’s symptom” instead to “we have more attention whit every symptom of the women”.

